I've been tagged by Maxea hehe=)
Game rules and regulations:
Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it total 20 questions, then tag to 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she had been tag. Whoever did the tag will have blessing from all.You must link to the one who tag you, then spread it to 8 people, let’s the game go on, return the tag to sender is prohibited.
1. What is your dream when during your childhood??
-To be friends with Backstreet Boys!^^woah...
2. You like rainy day or sunny day?Why?
-Sunny Day=)it makes me have good mood
3. Which color do you like the most?
-BLUE! Blue House '07 Rocks!!
4. If you have a chance, what would you probably say to your beloved one?
-mana saya tau worh=)
5. Where is the place you wanted to go most? Why?
-Japan!!=)because i enjoy looking at Japanese hotties muahaha^^and Japan is such a fine
place!! so clean^^
6. Which part of you that you hate most?
-Hmm..my cacat toe nails^^
7. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do?
-I'll CRY^^cause i feel so much better after crying
8. What do you scare to loss the most?
-My Family and my friends!
9. If you meet someone that you loved, would you confess your feelings to him/her? Or just
keep secret to yourself, observing by yourself?
-keep secrets i guess haha
10. List out 3 good points of the one who tagged you.
-Maxea : She's friendly, always willing to help and funny.
-Kanasai : He's kind for always teaching me Physics!, humorous and nice to talk with.
11. (Question by me^^) What would you do when there's nobody around?/
-Dance like crazy haha^^
12. Till now, what is the moment that you regret most?
-hmmmm...no idea werrrrrrr haha
13. Which type of person you hate most?
-Impolite people.
14. What is your ambition?
-To be a dentist=)
15. What is the think that will make you think he/she is bad.
-People who talk rude words and smoke.
16. If you can have one dream to come true, what would it be?
-I would wish that i could have 3 more wishes..and then my wishes will be world peace,
everyone living happily ever after and healthy all the time^^
17. Christmas is coming, who would you like to celebrate it with?
-My family and My beloved friends=)
18. What do you think is the most important in your life?
-My family and my friends!
19. At what age do you wish to marry?
- after 25 lo i thk hehe
20. Is outer beauty more important than inner beauty?
-Inner beauty is definitely more importanat..because inner beauty is what that makes
someone beautiful. It's useless if you're beautiful on the outside only.=)
DANG DANG DANG DANG!!!!!!! It's my turn to tag people now hoho=) and the person that i tagged is........................................................SEONZ!!!!^^Grats hehe
Friday, December 14, 2007
I've Been Tagged!=/
Posted by
5:59 PM
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Mr.Yong in Q17 refers to? wuakakakakakaka^^ *smirk*
>>> yog:
lol~ (although v all know who he is, wahaha~)
gee, everybody choose blue as favorite color, & I m d only traitor to choose purple.
-_-lll paiseh~
hehe=)yang X jie lo hehe=)could be you!hehe^^
Aiyo~renge...we are loyal de blue house supporter pls^^
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